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Tips To Help You With Google Adsense

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One of the most popular marketing ways to hopefully generate immediate income with your site is by placing Google Adsense ads on your website. To do it is free and Google determines the ads to put on your site depending upon the programming code that you put on your site, which Google will provide to you. But, you'll still need to design your site well and use the correct SEO to get the traffic to your site in the first place.
There are several tips to making money through Adsense:
1. Make sure you follow the Adsense rules. Google can blacklist your site if you break any of their rules. After all, it is free so why should you even consider breaking their rules.
2. Ensure you still use white hat SEO techniques including content rich pages and inbound links. Content sites keep people coming to you (plus they might bookmark your site and recommend it) and the search engines will love you for it. Eventually you might rank well for chosen keywords.
3. Use good keywords. By developing all the pages in your websites rather than just the home page with targeted keywords will assist search engines to rank you higher so more visitors will see your Adsense ads.
4. Using colours correctly buy coordinating them with the colours on your site will make them seem natural. Some have 2 main colours of the site and use the same for their Adsense ads. They recommend keeping the URL link of the ad in blue as it attracts the visitor and visitors recognise it as a link. As well, it is recommended to blend the ads with the content on the page so they seem natural and not too overbearing.
5. The placing of the ads on the page is also important. If you're income predications are through Adsense then it is recommended that you place the Adsense ads in the upper left hand area of your website as research shows that people naturally read webpages from the top left down. A vertical skyscraper ad has been seen to increase the click through rate to almost 30% (in the best cases). It is suggested to not place ads in the top right and bottom right corner of the site as visitors might not bother to read the whole page and quickly navigate on.
6. Finally, the shape or style of the ad. Google actually recommends that you use vertical ads as visitors psychologically prefer them. Wider styles also attract attention as they are deemed easier to read.
If you choose to include Adsense ads on your webpages, then you should also try and maximise their income potential by following the previously mentioned ideas.